Is blogging a bit too...00's?

Is blogging a bit too...00's?

Okay, so here we are, its 2023 and we're blogging? This feels a bit like someone telling you to Ask Jeeves when you're trying to work out how many pints are in a litre or what a nautical miles is? but for whatever reason the lovely people at Shopify provide this space on their platform and thus on my website so I thought what the hell right?

I suppose the real question is what do I actually put here? So for now, I'm talking off into the ether not really sure what, why or who might read this or if it literally will just be my mum (Hi mum! Look I'm on the internet!!). 

Not even sure if once I post this there will be a comment section or any form of feedback loop but it would be GREAT if you could let me know what stuff might interest you?

I'll shortlist below some of the vague ideas I have for this space (not promising the world but we'll give it a go right?) but if you have anything else outside of these that you want to see/hear about then let me know in whatever way makes sense after this makes it off into the aforementioned ether! 

1. Weekly workshop updates - Just generally updating on things I'm working on. Might be for the webstore, might be for a customer specific order, might be something I'm making for my fiancé's long and demanding list of things for our house or it might just be what I call 'workshop infrastructure' of me (like a child) moving tools around, trying to rearrange how I store things or how I work and maybe a little bit of why I'm doing whatever nonsense I might actually be doing.  

2. Stories of old - Basically just me rambling on about things I've done in the past, might be woodshop related, might be just life experiences that have 'given me the tools' as they say to not only do what I do now but enable me to actually love what I do. 

3. How to guides - These would be super high level, basic guides on whatever you ask for really. It might be how to maintain your chopping board (be it from me or from the enemy), how to repair a scratched coffee table, re-glue that bit of something that's been broken but not broken enough to throw but broken enough to give you the rage every time you see it.

Okay so when I started that list I thought I might fall into a load more ideas (probably too many) but reality says there's three main categories there with a bunch of sub stuff but we'll drawer the line for now. Let me know if you like any of those ideas...or if you have any of your own that you want to see/hear from me then get them to me and who knows! 

For now, I'll end this ramble with an enormous thank you. Not only for making it to the end of this very much unplanned waffle, but for generally supporting me in whatever guise that might have been up until now. Whether you've liked an Instagram post, re-shared a Facebook post, tagged a friend, bought literally ANYTHING from me or even just come to say Hi at any of the small shows I've done over the last year, I cannot express enough how much I appreciate it all and all of you for doing it. 

Until next time! 

Jamie from JC Woodshop setting the display table at a craft fair.

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1 comment

That list still hasn’t be started!

Kelly Mitchell

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