Like a broken record, I’ll start this post with “I’m Back”…as with everything, life takes over and all of a sudden the summer has run away, the cold nights are here and I’ve had to fashion my latest in a long line of very DIY Halloween costumes.
Alas...we shall try once again to get back into a rhythm with updates, stories and whatever other nonsense either I think up or you ask for. That being said, I’ll keep the old stories out of this week's post in a bid to just get back up to speed, else I’ll likely be here all week typing…or I’ll get sidetracked and never finish.
Since We Last Met
Okay so last we met (June 5th…right that’s a LONG time) I’d just been to the Zoo, had dressed up as a Scouser for charity and took part in the Old Village Markets 1 year anniversary! Since then…well let's run this off really quick and just pick up the highlights:
• Download festival with my darling fiancé
• Family holiday with the in-laws down south (it rained)
• Gigged a bunch with my best friends in The Black Wave
• Scuba diving trip with my dad and funcle
• Had a birthday
• Got a new boiler
• Gigged some more
• Started growing a pumpkin
• Went on a cruise for the first time
• Had our annual Halloween party
• Cut my finger pretty bad (again)
• Decided to get the old blog going again and here we are!
That’s you up to speed, a lot of that you won’t care about but just know that I’ve not neglected the blog/socials through laziness but in fact, just being too damn busy. I’m back in the workshop now just in time for it to get nice and cold but that’s life I guess!
What next?
Right, so now I’ve had all my fun, I’m back in the workshop now pushing to catch up on all the stuff I should have done over the summer. New boards, coasters and all the fun stuff ARE coming…but as always if you guys want to see stuff then let me know!
I’ve got a few Christmas events coming up with the first being the RS Components Christmas craft fair so if you work there come and say hi, that’s December 5th! Then I have the Corby Town Council Christmas Fair at James Ashworth Square in the town centre on December 8th! There will be more info on my socials nearer the time! I also hopefully have another fair coming up at the end of this month but more on that when it's confirmed!
For now, I think we’ll leave it there! I’ll put some highlights of my summer below but as always, thank you ALL so much for your support, it really does mean the world to me! Please engage with the socials it helps more than you know and whenever possible, share/tag/like posts to make sure as many people as possible see them!